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not a gang

11/16/2011 15:35

So its came to me as Im sure it has many of you the fbi is now classed us as a gang. Becouse a few desided to give a bad name. I do not see how we could be thought of as a gang its is a family. Others like us who are there  when we need so one else to soport us though hard times they are our family the people we all have no matter what. Is that sopest to be wrong now. Do they realy think they sould try to break us apart just becouse a few have done worng. I think not juggalos are in no way a gang usless now there saying a father mother and son is now a gang they are a family just like us. So as far as im consured they sould not be able to call us a gang until they call that a gang to.  That is how i feel about this hole thing. email me if you want how you feel about it posted